Simple blogging engine

title: Simple blogging engine
published: 2025-02-18

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As mentioned in the previous post, I have been using several frameworks for blogging. But the threshold to overcome to begin and write new articles were always too hight to just get started. Additionally, I’m getting more and more annoyed by the internet, or specifically browsing the www via HTTP/S. It’s beginning to feel like hard work to not get tracked everywhere and to not support big tech and their fascist CEOs by using their services. That’s why I found the gemini protocol interesting ever since I got to know about it. I wrote about it before:

Gemini blog post

That’s why I decided to not go for HTTPS-first in my blog, but do gemini first. Although you’re probably reading this as the generated HTML or in your feed reader.

Low-threshold writing

To just get started, I’m now using my tmux session that is running 24/7 on my home server. It’s the session I open by default on all my devices, because it contains my messaging (IRC, Signal, Matrix) and news (RSS feeds). Not it also contains a neovim session that let’s me just push all my thoughts into text files easily and everywhere.


The format I write in is gemtext, a markup language that is even simpler as Markdown. Gemtext allows three different headings, links, lists, blockquotes and formatted text, and that’s it. And to make my life even easier, I only need to touch a file .directory-listing-ok to let agate create an autoindex of each directory, so I don’t have to take care about house-keeping and linking my articles too much. I just went with this scheme to make sure my posts appear in a correct order:

└── 2025
    ├── 1
    │   └── index.gmi
    └── 2
        └── index.gmi

When pointed to a directory, agate will automatically serve the index.gmi if it finds one.

To serve the files in my gemlog, I just copy them as is, using rsync. If anyone would browse the gemini space I would be done at this point. I’m using agate, a gemini server written in Rust, to serve the static blog. Technically, gemini would allow more than that, using cgi to process requests and dynamically return responses, but simple is just fine.

The not-so-low publishing threshold

However, if I ever want any person to actually read this, sadly I will have to offer more than gemtext. Translating everything into HTML and compiling an atom.xml comes with some more challenges. Now I will need some metadata like title and date. For now I’m just going to add that as formatted text at the beginning of each file I want to publish. The advantage is, that I can filter out files I want to keep private this way. Using ripgrep I just find all files with the published directive and pipe them through my publishing script.

To generate the HTML, I’m going the route gemtext -> markdown -> html, in lack of better ideas. Gemtext to Markdown is trivial, I only need to format the links (using sed in my case). To generate the HTML I use pandoc, although it’s way too powerful and not-lightweight for this task. But I just like pandoc. I’m adding simple.css to I don’t have to fuddle around with any design questions.


I was looking for an atom feed generator, until I noticed how easily this file can be generated manually. Again, a little bit of ripgrep and bash leaves me with an atom.xml that I’m actually quite happy with.

The yak can be shaved until the end of the world

I hope I have put everything out of the way get started easily and quickly. I could configure the system until the end of time to make unimportant things look better, but I don’t want to fall into that trap (again). I’m going to publish my scripts to a public repository soon, in case anyone feels inspired to go a similar route.